1. Gym membership – buy a 3-month, 6-month or even a full year pass to the local fitness center. 2. Good walking shoes or a gift certificate to the local athletic shoe store. 3. Heart monitor – a great way to keep track of exertion! 4. Yoga classes – you can find yoga...
Are you new to running? Have you taken some time away from running and are ready to start back up again? Have you participated in some 5K races and are ready to challenge yourself with a little more distance? Are you lacking the motivation to take the next step? If...
Back by popular demand! Join us for our “What the Heck is Foam Rolling?!” Workshop to be held on: Wednesday, March 19, 2014! Find the answers to the following questions by joining this workshop: What is this cylindrical piece of foam? What is it used for? How do I use...
Body In Balance is now offering foam rolling classes. In this workshop you will: Find multiple stretching techniques to use the foam roll for recovery before and after vigorous workouts. Limit soreness and tightness by increasing blood flow and flexibility. Learn ways...